About AFR Testing:

This delightful little game is approximately a 7 hour environmental puzzle game. Many have compared this to Portal I / II and the comparison is probably fair to a point. Each “chapter” has a series of puzzles which increase in complexity as you progress. The game teaches you new puzzle mechanics as you complete others. It strikes me as a combination of both Portal and the Talos Principle but perhaps without the depth of story that the latter contained. With regards to the story line I found this to be somewhat predictable but none the less one of the main reasons I continued to play. It lacked creativity to really break ground but still kept my interest. I would go as far as to say that without it I probably wouldn’t have persisted in unpicking the sheer number of puzzles contained therein. It’s been suggested on many occasions that story with in video games are “expected but not important”. I can understand why such a claim might be made. Many story driven games loose their appeal once the story has unveiled itself and replay value is lost unless your the kind of person that enjoys re-reading the same book. That said the same can be said of the mechanics of a game. Once you find the pattern variants thereof can be employed ad nauseam and what more else is there to do? I play games for the story and the mechanics and The Turing Test does not disappoint, It strikes a careful balance between environmental puzzles and an story telling and certainly this makes it a very enjoyable experience. I think the developers have found the right balance and all round it works effectively. The game is simple, fun and beautiful.

How to run AFR Testing roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat